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Friday Night Chicken Soup
All Members of the Community are invited to Kabbolas Shabbat which is followed by Kiddush, Challah and Chicken Soup made by the Rebbetzen.
It’s a chance to socialise with other Members of the Community, in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Bagel Breakfast
Every Sunday morning, after Shacharit which starts at 9am, a delicious bagel breakfast is served with hot drinks.
This breakfast is sponsored by
a gracious donor who has a Yahrzeit
or Special Occasion that he/she
would like to commemorate.
The Rabbi enjoys utilising this opportunity to answer any questions on religious matters that need addressing, and provides a short ongoing explanatory service for the Grace after Meals that is recited at the end of breakfast.
Ladies Monthly Meeting
The Rebbetzen invites all ladies to a Shiur once a month for an opportunity to discuss relevant topics that have been raised during the month on a variety of issues.
Coffee, tea and cake is provided and it is a perfect chance for ladies to socialise with the Rebbetzen.
See calendar for details.
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